Wang, Y., Zhou, K*., Wang, X., Yang, T., Chen, H., Can Carbon Tax Revenue Recycling Coordinate Climate Mitigation and Energy Poverty Alleviation? Energy, 308, 132363. doi: (中科院一区)
Zhou, K., Wang, Y., Wang, H., & Tan, J. (2024). Does China's outward foreign direct investment alleviate energy poverty in host countries? Evidence from countries along the belt and road initiative. Renewable Energy,,120034.
Xing Bang He, Kui Zhou*, Jamal Hussain, Rizwan Akhtar (2023): Public perceptions of air pollution and its impacts on fertility desire: a nationwide study in China, International Journal of Biometeorology (2023),区,刊号Volume 68, pages 445–459.
Jamal Hussain, Zhou Kui, Anwar Khan, Rizwan Akhtar, Rashid Ali e, Yexing Yin (2023)Proposing a sustainable investment index for measuring economic performance and sustainability: A step toward clean and affordable energy,Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,区,刊号Volume 60, December 2023, 103564
Zhou, K*., Wang, Y. & Hussain, J. Energy poverty assessment in the Belt and Road Initiative countries: based on entropy weight-TOPSIS approach. Energy Efficiency 15, 46 (2022). ISSN: 1570-646X. E-ISSN:1570-6478.
Jamal Hussain, Kui Zhou* (2022): Globalization, industrialization, and urbanization in Belt and Road Initiative countries: implications for environmental sustainability and energy demand, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,, published online:20 June 2022.ISSN: 1614-7499. ISSN: 0944-1344,Volume 29, pages 80549–80567,1区.
Jing Tan,Dongliang Cai,Kefei Han, Kui Zhou (2022),Understanding peasant household’s land transfer decision-making: A perspective of financial literacy,Land Use Policy,119,106189.
HE Ren-wei, GUO Shi-li, DENG Xian, ZHOU Kui. Influence of social capital on the livelihood strategies of farmers under China’s rural revitalization strategy in poor mountain areas: A case study of the Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19(4):958-973.
Yin, X.S., Hussain, J. & Kui, Z. (2022) The Spatial Distribution Pattern and Formation Mechanism of the Spatial Agglomeration of Chinese Higher Education Population: A Cross-Province Comparison., Applied Spatial Analysis, 刊号Volume 15, pages 315–338,
Jing Tan, Kui Zhou, Li Peng & Lei Lin (2021) The role of social networks in relocation induced by climate-related hazards: an empirical investigation in China, Climate and Development, 14:1, 1-12, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2021.1877102 ISSN: 1756-552.
Zhou, K., Tan, J., & Watanabe, K. (2021): How does perceived residential environment quality influence life satisfaction? Evidence from urban China. Journal of Community Psychology, 1–18. ISSN: 0022-3980.
Jamal Hussain, Kui Zhou*, Faqir Muhammad, Danish Khan, Anwar Khan, Najabat Ali, Rizwan Akhtar (2021): Renewable energy investment and governance in countries along the belt & Road Initiative: Does trade openness matter? Renewable Energy, 180 (2021) 1278-1289.ISSN: 0960-1481.
Anwar Khan, Yang Chenggang, Jamal Hussain, Zhou Kui (2021): Impact of technological innovation, financial development and foreign II direct investment on renewable energy, non-renewable energy and the environment in belt & Road Initiative countries, Renewable Energy, 171 (2021) 479-491.
Hussain J, Zhou K*, Guo S, Khan A (2020): Investment risk and natural resource potential in “Belt & Road Initiative” countries: A multi-criteria decision-making approach. Sci Total Environ 2020,723:137981.https://doi.10.1016/j. [SCI: Q1; IF: 5.589; ABS: 3; SJR: Q1] ISSN: 0048-9697.
Jamal Hussain, Anwar Khan, Kui Zhou* (2020): The impact of natural resource depletion on energy use and CO2 emission in Belt & Road Initiative countries: A cross-country analysis, Energy 2020; 199:117409. https://doi.10.1016/ [SCI: Q1; IF: 5.537; ABS: 3; SJR: Q-1; ABDC Rating: A]
Hussain J, Zhou K*, Akbar M, Zafar khan M, Raza G, Ali S, et al. Dependence of rural livelihoods on forest resources in Naltar Valley, a dry temperate mountainous region, Pakistan. Glob Ecol Conserv 2019;20. [SCI: Q1; IF: 2.751; SJR: Q-1]
周葵,梁欣,李婉睿,孔茹芸. 西部地区农村人居环境改善策略研究[J].中国西部.2019,(5):52-62.
Hussain J, Akbar M, Ali S, Kui Z, Raza G, Khan A, et al. Assessing Natural Forest Conservation Using Diameter Size Class Distributions in Pakistan.Assessing Natural Forest Conservation Using Diameter Size Class Distributions in Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environment Study 2019; 29:629–40. https://doi.10.15244/pjoes/102785. [SCI: Q2; IF: 1.186; SJR: Q-2]
Guo, Shili;Li, Chunjie;Liu,Shaoquan; Zhou, Kui.Land carrying capacity in rural settlements of three gorges reservoir based on the system dynamic model.[J].Natural Resource Modeling.2018,Vol.31(No.2):1.
何兴邦,周葵.城市融入与进城“农民”环境行为 ——基于CGSS(2013)的经验证据[J].大连理工大学学报(社会科学版).2018,39(5):51-59.
Law and Regulation Support for Circular Economy Implementation in China,“资源环境与可持续发展”2015年学术会议优秀奖, pp.47~56, 2015.
周葵,万程成.我国农业循环经济发展效率的实证研究, 获“资源环境与可持续发展”2015年学术会议一等奖, pp.31~46, 2015.
周葵,万程成,宋演书,叶武威,莫家颖,叶瑞林,张鋆.四川省农村循环经济发展及其定量评估,“资源环境与可持续发展”2015年学术会议论文集, pp.19~30, 2015.
Kui ZHOU: Circular Economy in China and approach through Analysis of Carbon Impact of Industrial Sector, 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2014), Nice, France, invited speech.
周葵,戴小文:中国城市化进程与碳排放量关系的实证研究,中国人口•资源与环境, 第23卷,第4期,2013-04-16, pp.41~48, 2013。
Kui Zhou, Baozhen Luo and Helen James: Population reconstruction in the post-disaster context: Lost-Child Families’ Fertility Decisions and Relevant Factors after the 2008 Earthquake in Wenchuan, China, The Demography of Disasters: Implications for Future Policy on Development and Resilience, 2013,09, invited speech.
周葵,邢娇阳:中美移动污染源排污控制法律比较研究,中国人口•资源与环境, 第23卷,pp. 450~453, 2013。
周葵,杜清燕:我国碳排放影子价格研究——基于超越对数生产函数模型,中国人口•资源与环境,第23卷,pp. 421~429, 2013。
周葵:基于人的意识与行为模型化的城乡设施优化配置思考,中国人口•资源与环境, 第23卷,pp. 77~81, 2013。
Baozhen Luo, Kui ZHOU: Ageism among College Students: A comparative study between U.S. and China, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp.49~63, 2013.
周葵,杜清燕:我国碳交易定价权缺失问题研究现状综述,中国人口•资源与环境, 第22卷,328-331, 2012. (2013年1月16-17日 北京)
周葵,朱明姣:我国城乡居民的环境意识现状及影响因素分析,中国人口•资源与环境, 第22卷,262-266, 2012. (2013年1月16-17日 北京)
Kui ZHOU: Willingness to Pay for Personal Carbon Trading, 2012 International Conference on Trends and Cycles in Global Dynamics and Perspectives of World Development, 2012.
Kui ZHOU: An Empirical Study on Personal Carbon Allowance——Based on Multi-equity Principle, 2012 SWUFE International Workshop on Applied Microeconomics, 2012.
莫家颖,周葵:四川省水资源利用和管理的SWOT分析,中国人口•资源与环境,第21卷,pp. pp.258~261, 2011。(2011年11月18—19日 珠海)
周葵,杜清燕:四川省城市化水平与耕地资源的计量和协调性分析,中国人口•资源与环境,第21卷,pp.324~328, 2011。(2011年11月18—19日 珠海)
周葵, 朱莉, 贾姗:个人碳排放基准值的估算方法研究,中国人口•资源与环境, 第21卷,pp.140~144, 2011。(2011年11月18—19日 珠
周葵,贾姗,朱莉: 可持续发展实践中的公众参与—— 来自基层公民环境意识调查的观察,中国人口•资源与环境,第21卷,pp.402-406,2011。(2011年11月18—19日 珠海)
Zhou, Kui; Gordillo, Alex Cartagena; Kondo, Akiko; Kondo: Allocation Problems of Semi-undesirable Facilities ── A Case of Garbage Containers, Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management 2011 Conference.
Kondo, Akiko; Kondo, Akio; Zhou, Kui; Ohashi, Ken-ichi:Migration Models between Regions by Age Groups in Consideration of Actual Reasons of Migration, Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management 2011 Conference.
A. Cartagena Gordillo and Z. Kui, “Design Considerations for Implant - On-body UWB Communications for Medical Applications,” II National Conference on Telecommunications (CONATEL 2011), Arequipa, Peru, May. 17-20, pp.1~5, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1046-9, 2011.
周葵,赵小姝:灾后地震致残人士生活与就业支撑途径的研究—基于日本经验的分析人口与发展,16 (4), 99-104,2010。
周葵,杜大伟:Sustainable Development of Rural Electrification in China and South Africa, CIDB2009(南非产业发展年会)论文集,pp.1-12, 2009.
刘雅琴, 周葵: 权力公平,生态效率与环境表现 中国人口•资源与环境,第18卷,pp.453-456, 2008.
周葵,近藤光男,和田録樹: 住民意識に基づく迷惑施設の配置に関する研究-一般廃棄物処理施設を対象とした中国四川省成都市における事例分析-, 日本土木学会論文集, Vol.62, No.2, pp.324-333, 2006.
K. Zhou, A. Kondo, A. Cartagena Gordillo and K. Watanabe: A Comparison Study about the Allocation Problem of Undesirable Facilities Based on Residential Awareness - A Case Study on Waste Disposal Facility in ChengDu City, Sichuan China -, “Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning”, Springer, pp.235-250, 2006.
K. Zhou, A. Kondo and T. Wada: Allocation Problem of Garbage Containers Based on Residential Awareness -The Case Study in Tokushima, Japan-, The 9th Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Paper124, pp.1-16, 2005.
姫野智至,近藤光男,周葵,和田録樹: 中国四川省成都市における生活基盤施設の満足距離に基づく評価,日本土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol.21, No.1,pp.239~246, 2004.
近藤光男,山下賀奈子,周葵: 世帯を対象とした二酸化炭素の排出量取引施策の導入可能性分析,日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集,No.38-3,pp.1~6, 2003.
周葵,近藤光男,姫野智至: 中国四川省成都市における一般廃棄物処理施設の現状と課題,第28回全国土木計画学研究発表会,2003.
周葵,近藤光男: 環境家計簿が省エネに対する意識と行動に及ぼす影響,日本土木学会,年次大会,2002.
周葵,近藤光男,廣瀬義伸: 中国四川省成都市における一般廃棄物処理の問題と今後の課題について,日本土木学会,年次大会,2001.
A. Kondo, Y. Hirose and K. Zhou:An Interchange Index for Evaluation of Improvement of Road Networks, World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, 2001.
博士学位论文:Allocation Problem of Urban Facilities Based on Residential Awareness, 2006.